DL4FBI.ZIP Created 19 September 1997 This zipfile contains two sets of programs described in Helmut Zurneck's October 1997 QST article "How's DX?--Now!" QST is the Journal of the American Radio Relay League. There are source listings for QBASIC and POWER BASIC, with a compiled version of the POWER BASIC source in two directories: The QBASIC directory contains programs for use with QBASIC only. The programs do not have the simulation mode and must be run with the radio connected to the PC. The PBASIC directory contains a stand-alone (.EXE) program and source code for use with POWER BASIC. It has the simulation feature, which permits simulated operation with no radio connected. Each directory contains another README.TXT file. Read the article and the appropriate README.TXT before attempting to use the programs. Robert J. Schetgen, KU7G/1 Senior Assistant Technical Editor American Radio Relay League 225 Main St Newington, CT 06111-1494